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The Funky Fathers and the Freedom Foundation bring the Light to the Lighthouse in Santa Cruz California.

It's been months since we played together. Gene came to town to play a couple of fund raising gigs for the Ukrainian refugees who are suffering through this manufactured war.

On his last day in California, the Ukrainian refugee from California (that would be Gene) wanted to spend time with his freedom loving musician friends before returning to Florida.

It was good to have a couple of the Freedom Foundation musicians jamming to some old tunes and practicing in public to songs they didn't know. I met these guys playing at Twin Lakes Beach during the heart of the Bologna Virus Plandemic, Scamdemic, Shamdemic at the Saturday evening Voluntaryist bon fires and the Friday Free hugs.

Playing with Tom and Gene reminded me of having some of the locals have their kids throw eggs at us. I saw one of the only surfers who was hating on us today and reminded him that even though it is now obvious to him that this was a scam and the protocol and the vaccine are complete failures, without people like us pushing back against the narrative of the CDC, the WHO and the California Department of Public Health all these smiling faces enjoying West Cliff Drive would still be wearing masks.

You're welcome.

Great day and much love to my mates for coming out on a Sunday afternoon to lift the frequency into the atmosphere. I hope to see you again real soon, For those who don't know the Funky Fathers become the Funky Fathers and the Freedom Foundation whenever other musicians jam along.

Enjoy yourself

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4 comentarios

25 abr 2022

Happened by while biking, enjoyed the music and your lyrics. I'll try to keep an eye out for you. Thank you for your work. keep on trucking.

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26 abr 2022
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Thank you. Can’t censor natural frequencies.

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25 abr 2022

I enjoyed the music! How'd the surfer responded this time?

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26 abr 2022
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He looked a little ashamed of himself. Thanks for listening.

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