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Day 32: Cold Wind Blowin’ for the Pharmaceutical Tyrants

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

March 26th arrives with a deep chill in the air. Played "I Got A Lover Named Liberty" during a blizzard for the people coming to listen to Dr. Malone the inventor and patent holder of mRNA technology.

Kevin delivers the goods with the morning prayer

My friend Kevin was invited to deliver the prayer to open the extravaganza with Dr. Malone. After the speech Brian Braze let's everyone know why he wanders around on stage. Because he likes being free. So much so that he will stand all day in the rain to talk about it.

Dr. Malone Brings the Heat

Malone burns as he speaks about the pharmaceutical tyranny attempting to crush the human spirit. "We will win. They are not very smart." Unfortunately, I had no connection and no memory left on my devices. This is what I have. There is an audio recording I will add later.

Morning Mingle with the Cooks from NY

This afternoon. I learned how to prepare an orange muffin with real orange wrapped in ten foil and thrown directly into the fire. Where did she learn this recipe? Girl Camp!

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